Thursday, March 5, 2009

Click here for a example of a homegrown green website

1. What strikes you about their movie?

I think the thing that most strikes me about that movie is that they have so many plants in their backyard. And their car runs off of bio diesel and they use all homegrown vegetarian food.

2. What do you think the Dervaes’ family Needs vs. Wants sheet would look like? Why?
I think that for their needs it would be a very small amount of money because they use all homegrown and reusable sources. and they even sell the food they don't.

3. How does the Dervaes family fit into what we are studying in My Ishmael?
This relates to my ishmael because My Ishmael talk about all of this and how we need to stop ruining the earth.

Ithink that the Dervases are really cool for doing what they are doing to help the environment. They live almost like the Amish except that they have a car and a refrigerator.

Monday, March 2, 2009

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

That culture is recognized by the same people living in or around the same area. I agree with Ishmael that we are all the same culture because we are a little bit of everything down the line and were all inherently flawed.

I agree with mother culture. All humans are flawed no one is perfect. Bad things always happen to people. They will always do something wrong.

The leavers are the ones who are criminals and just decide to do whatever they want. The Takers are like our society and the rest of us.