Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wex post!

1.The firework blasted off into the night sky, going up 30 feet then bursting into millions of colored sparks. It looked like a beautiful giant flower still with the stream of smoke that it left, made it look like a stem. But it disappeared into the night sky. And polluted the atmosphere.

Then Revised...

Firework blasted off into the dark sky as I was sitting on the cold sand. I was sitting on the soft sand that smelled of lake water I could smell the bon fires around the beaches. As the firework went boom you could hear everyone shouting and you could see the fireworks million different colors disappear into the night sky.

2.For one assignment i was supposed to start off with "The beautiful princess awoke from half a century of sleep" i was in a dark mood so I wrote.

The beautiful princes had been asleep for half a century under a spell when she woke up everyone was dead and she was the last living person on earth. And all around her there were dead people and nothing. The ground was bleeding with dead living creatures blood.

3.For another W.E.X. we had to write a wex about a time you misjudged someone based off appearance.

One time i was walking down the sidewalk and there was a guy sitting against the wall eating a small part of a burrito with a torn shirt. I gave him some change. I turned around right as he was finishing the burrito and was getting into a work truck with another guy that looked like him. Then they drove away. I thought because of what this person was wearing and what he was eating that he was homeless. But he was just a worker. I was wrong.